Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Split PDF Documents into unique named items on an element in the PDF

In schools you get a lot of reports that are provided in PDF format.  Each page is usually unique to each student in the district.

This year the student test results are provided in a PDF.  One file with ELA scores, and one file with Math scores.  To print the scores back to back we have to merge the two files with ELA and then Math for each student.

This software will split the PDF into a unique PDF file for each student.

Then you merge that with the split Math PDF and you get one PDF with both ELA and Math.

I found this while working through the splitting process.  Lots of software can split a PDF document into unique pages, but I didn't find any at this price point that would split it and name it based on the content in the PDF.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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