Ok, so I decided to create a cheap backup server. Bought 4 - 3TB hard drives on Amazon. Installed in a workstation that I already had. Set it up in the server room.
The FreeNAS install process is really simple so I won't go into detail about that. The URBackup install was somewhat easy as well, but I want to detail that here for anyone who wants to recreate.
Install FreeNAS and reboot. Connect and set a root password.
I followed the instructions in this manual which is perfect. I didn't have to adjust any of the steps, but for help to others I will outline the same steps here. http://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/urbackup-installation-guide.22117/
Create a Jail
-Add Jails
(fill in default gateway)
uncheck VIMAGE
Connect to FreeNAS via SSH (must be enabled in services)
Find the number of the jail you created above.
#jexec 1 tcsh
This enters you into the jail itself. All commands from now on are specific to the jail itself and should not be run on the FreeNAS system.
#pkg install
#pkg install update
#pkg install nano wget
#portsnap fetch extract
#cd /usr/ports/security/cryptopp
#make CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" (accept all default questions and pop up boxes)
#make install
#pkg install curl
#cd /
#mkdir /urbackup
#cd /urbackup
#wget (download link for latest urbackup tar.gz source)
#tar zxvf urbackup*.tar.gz
#cd urbackup-server-x.y.z
#make install
(I had trouble with the install. It said it was completed, but I had to run the command again to actually get it to install the program into the right folders.)
#adduser urbackup --system --quiet --group --home "/usr/local/var/urbackup" || true
(this is supposed to create the account, but it just brought up the account dialog for me, so I filled it in by hand)
#nano /etc/rc.d/urbackup_srv
Paste the below into the file:
. /etc/rc.subr
command_args="--plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver_urlplugin.so --plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver_cryptoplugin.so --plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver_downloadplugin.so --plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver_fsimageplugin.so --plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver_httpserver.so --plugin /usr/local/lib/liburbackupserver.so --http_root /usr/local/var/urbackup/www --workingdir /usr/local/var --user urbackup --http_port 55414 --logfile /var/log/urbackup_srv.log --daemon"
start_precmd="cd /usr/local/var"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"
The command args line should be one complete line.
#chmod +x /etc/rc.d/urbackup_srv
#nano /etc/rc.conf
Add this line to the end:
#mkdir /backups
#chown -R urbackup:urbackup /backups
#/etc/rc.d/urbackup_srv start
Access the web interface at http://[ipaddress]:55414
Go to Settings / General / Server
Adjust the [Backup Storage Path] from the default to /backups
#/etc/rc.d/urbackup_srv restart
From FreeNAS web click on the Jails -> Urbackup -> Storage -> Add Storage and connect the /backups folder with the FreeNAS volume created. I want all of the storage space available to the backup jail, so I connected it straight.
Next is the client on the servers, for sending files to URBackup. More on that process in another post.
Hi, thank you very much for the fine description. I succeeded in the install and the system seems to be running. When I do a full file backup I can see the files in the backup folder. But after a while the incremental backup starts and my files are deleted from the backup folder. Have you seen anything similar?