I have a bunch of computers in classrooms and teachers like being able to install software on those computers...most of the time it is items that I would do myself if I had the time, but it is more convenient to have the staff do it for me since they want to use it. Anyway, I found these instructions that add a user to the local administrators group. I can run this remotely from my desk without having to get up and travel to the remote location.
I followed these instructions to do this, so I am not the one who figured this out, just want to make it easier for the next guy to find.
1. Get a copy of PSTools from Microsoft.
2. Open a command prompt and run psexec.
psexec.exe \\computername cmd.exe
3. Add the user.
net localgroup administrators domain\user /add
That is all there is to it. Have the user sign into the computer with their own credentials and they now have permissions to install on the computer.